The Remarkable Vision of Jochebed

May 21, 2023    Pastor Steve Brady

**This message was recorded on Mother's Day - May 14, 2023**

Besides the “unspeakable gift” God gave to us in the person of Christ (I Corin-thians 9:15), the world has re-ceived no greater gift from His hand than the gift of our mothers! Mother’s have been gifted by the Lord for what is un-doubtedly one of the most con-sequential assignments in the world - - raising “a godly seed” for the next generation (Malachi 2:15). On this Mother’s Day I want us to consider a rather obscure mother who is men-tioned only twice in the Bible, but her influence upon the world is felt even to this day! “The Remarkable Vision of Jochebed” is taken from Exodus 2:1-10 and Hebrews 11:23-27.